Afghanistan: Angola: Nicaragua:
Mozambique: Bosnia
& Herzegovina: Combodia.
What effects it has on Society
An Inisible Barrier in Development
How Many Countries Infected
Lanmines Facts.
So What Can U DO

Mozambique: Background
With an estimated one to two million landmines deployed, Mozambique is one of the most
heavily mined countries in the world. This infestation represents a serious threat to the
rural population and a significant obstacle to post-war reconstruction and sustainable
development. Landmines not only endanger human lives, they also prevent economic
development, obstruct transportation, and restrict agricultural production. Treatment of
landmine survivors also strains the already overburdened national health care system.
Following the October 1992 signing of the Peace Accord in Rome, mine clearance became a
priority in the restoration of peace, in particular the return of internally displaced
persons and refugees to their homes. Mine clearance emphasis has now shifted to
accelerating the process of reconstruction and sustainable development. |