May 1-7 Edmonton Canada. |
PeaCe Qoute
Ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over
it by the good peole: Martin
Luther King: Nobel Laureate |
 Edmonton, Canada
PeaceCenturey 2000 is a major campaign marking the dawn of a new
peace ful century.�
PeaCentury 2000: A People's Peace & Human Rights Conference.May 1-7 Edmonton Canada. |
This conference is actually a dialogue between� the peace
makers and torch bearers of peace. The main theme is to sought peaceful solution of the
major world conflict. To resolve the desputes in the negotiation table not in the
battlefields. We think that any NGO, individual working anywhere in the world that can
play their role in conflict resolution and peace.
�� There are literally thousands of NGOs working
globally for the restoration of peace, but all there efforts are useless unless they join
a single global effort strengthening and giving power to their motive. This event a one
such effort where our aim is to consolidate fragmented peace efforts into a global action.
The major focus will be laid on developing a framework for
conlict resolution and how NGOs can be helpful in this task.
The conference is organized by International Peace & Human
Rights NGO World Commission for Peace & Human
Rights Council (WORPHCO) and International Society for Peace & Human Rights, which is an Edmonton, Alberta based international organiation.
We have taken this initiative in hope to develop good
relations among nations and resolve conflicts on the table not in the battleground.
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