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Tolerance and Religious
Table of Contents
I. Why ImportantSo much bloodshed and hatred in the world are caused by religious intolerance and lack of appreciation of the positive qualities of other faiths and cultures. It is a cause of divisions among many nations in the world today. We must all work together to diminish intolerance in its many forms. II. Five Reasons for Tolerance and Appreciation
III. World PeaceIn many places in the world, there is war and violence because of religious and racial intolerance: Ireland, Middle East, India, Mindanao, etc. This is paradoxical because all the great religions preach love and compassion, and yet at the same time its advocates are ready to kill and sow hatred. No evil hath so afflicted the world as intolerance of religious opinion. The human
beings it has slain in various ways, if once and together brought back to life, would make
a nation of people. - (A. Pike) IV. Learning from each otherEvery religion can learn much from each other. There are today so many books that demonstrate this. Christian Yoga, written by a priest. Zen and the Birds of Appetite, written by Thomas Merton. Sermon of the Mount, written by a Hindu Swami. Pope John Paul II has endorsed the meeting between Zen monks and Benedictine monks
because he said they can learn from each other about their respective meditative practices
and spiritual experiences. The Pope said: V. Essential Unity of World ReligionsWe find that at the root of the great religious traditions of the world there is an essential unity, primarily in its spiritual and mystical teachings about how people can realize our unity with the divine, which is the most important aspect of religion. They may disagree about rituals, about theological interpretations (such as how many orders of angels there are), but they essentially agree on the path towards true spirituality. Some books written on the subject: The Essential Unity of Religions by Bhagavan Das; The Transcendent Unity of Religions by Frithjof Schuon; The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley; The Ancient Wisdom by Annie Besant. VI. Universal Brotherhood and Unity of LifeInspite of our diversity of views and beliefs, we must constantly remember that we are but one life, and that ultimately we ourselves suffer when we injure another brother or sister, whether through intolerance or other reasons. Pope John Paul II: In doing so [receiving monks of other religions] you offer a setting wherein a meeting of mind and heart can take place, a meeting characterized by a shared sense of brotherhood in the one human family that opens the way of ever deeper spiritual dialogue. (Theos. Digest, Dec. 1989) VII. Unity of TruthTruth is one, and we will all inevitably arrive at it. It will persuade people simply because it is the truth, no need to forcibly proselytize or convert people. Truth has its own power of conversion. But we need to develop the faculty to see truth. St. Buenaventure has described as ascending faculties: The eye of sense: to see material truths; The eye of reason: to see logical truths; the eye of contemplation: to see transcendent truths which are beyond our rational faculties. Those who have attained to this transcendent eye no longer quarrel with each other on religious grounds. They see essentially the same truths, from whatever religious backgrounds they come from. It is those who try to interpret the deeper truths with the eye of reason that tend to quarrel the most. While we are unable to see the truth in its transcendent whole, let us give allowance to our own limitations and errors, and appreciate the sincere and genuine insights of others. VIII. Teaching Children Tolerance and Appreciation
For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate error so long as reason is free to combat it. - Thomas Jefferson The devil loves nothing better than the intolerance of reformers, and dreads nothing so much as their charity and patience. - Russell Lowell Tolerance is the positive and cordial effort to understand another's beliefs, practices, and habits without necessarily sharing or accepting them. - Joshua Liebman I consider myself a Hindu, Christian, Moslem, Jew, Buddhist and Confucian. -- Mohandas Gandhi All religions must be tolerated, for every man must get to heaven his own way. -- Frederick the Great Toleration . . . is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle. - Helen Keller Be tolerant to others, respect the religious views of others if you would have your own respected. - K.H. Once unfettered and delivered from their deadweight of dogmatic interpretations, personal names, anthropomorphic conceptions and salaried priests, the fundamental doctrines of all religions will be proved to be identical in their esoteric meaning. Osiris, Chrisna, Buddha, Christ, will be shown as different names for one and the same royal highway to final bliss, Nirvana. - The Maha Chohan St. Paul: For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before god, but the doers of the law who will be justified. When Gentiles who have not the law do by nature what the law requires, they are a law unto themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts. (Romans 2: 13-15) Pope John Paul II: The individual person, despite human frailty, has the ability to seek and freely know what is good, to recognize and reject evil, to choose truth and to oppose error. In creating the person, God wrote on the human heart a law which everyone can discover (cf. Rom 2:15). Conscience for its part is the ability to judge and act according to that law: to obey is the very dignity of man. No human authority has the right to interfere with a person's conscience. Conscience bears witness to the transcendence of the person. [This is the view of Jose Rizal as to human conscience, cf. Letter with Fr. Pastell] I believe it was Thomas Merton who said that the mysticisms of Christianity is closer to the mysticism of Hinduism and Buddhism than to the external belief systems of Christianity itself. This I submit is the basis of genuine religious appreciation. It is not negative tolerance, but sincerely seeing the validity and truth of the other person's tradition, but at the same time recognizing the inevitable errors and narrow sectarian viewpoints of every tradition including one's own. One is not bothered by those outer disagreements because one sees the more important essential agreement. (vhc) |