Countries. A-J

List of Politicians of the
world.T - Z
Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania,
Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad
and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
Tuvalu,Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom,Vanuatu,
Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam,Western Samoa,Yemen, Yugoslavia,Zambia, Zimbabwe,
TAIWAN (Republic of China)
- Lee Teng-hui
- President
- Office of the President
- Chiehshou Hall
- 122 Chungking S. Rd., Sec. 1
- 10036 T`aipei
- Taiwan
- phone 886-2-311-3731, fax 886-2-311-1604
- webpage
- Chief
- 416 Chungshan Rd., Sec. 2
- Changhua, Changhua County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-47-222-151, fax 886-47-261-375
- Chief
- 1 Shiangho 1st Rd.
- Shiangho Shien Chuen
- Chiayi Hsien, Chiayl County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-5-362-0123
- Chief
- 10 Kuangming 6th Rd., Chupei
- Hsinchu Hsien, Hsinchu County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-35-518-101, fax 886-35-511-728
- Chief
- 17 Fuchien Rd
- 970 Hualien, Hualien County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-38-222-018, fax 886-38-224-824
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Mayor
- 2 Ssuwei 3rd Rd.
- Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung City Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-7-336-8333, fax 886-7-333-7633
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Chief
- 132 Kuangfu Rd., Sec. 2, Fengshan
- Kaohsiung Hsien, Kaohsiung County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-7-747-7611, fax 886-7-747-6885
- Mayor
- 1 Yi-l Rd.
- Keelung, Keelung Municipal Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-2-420-1122, fax 886-2-420-1841
- Chief
- 100 Hsienfu Rd
- Miaoli, Miaoli County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-37-322-150, fax 886-37-350-908
- webpage
- Chief
- 660 Chunghsing Rd.
- Nantou, Nantou County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-49-222-106, fax 886-49-238-404
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chief
- 32 Chihping Rd., Makung
- Penghu Hsien, Penghu County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-6-927-4400, fax 886-6-926-4060
- Chief
- 527, Tzuyu Rd.
- Pingtung 900, Pingtung County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-8-732-0415, fax 886-8-732-4864
- Chief
- 136 Chunghsing Rd, Fengyuan
- Taichung Hsien, Taichung County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-4-526-3100, fax 886-4-526-2612
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Chief
- 36 Minchih Rd, Hsinying
- Tainan Hsien, Tainan County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-6-632-2231, fax 886-6-632-1150
- Mayor
- 1 Shih Fu Rd.
- Taipei, Taipei City Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-2-720-8889, fax 886-2-759-8997
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Chief
- 32 Fuchong Rd., Panchiao
- Taipei Hsien, Taipei County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-2-960-3456, fax 886-2-967-3511
- Chief
- 276 Chungshan Rd.
- Taitung, Taitung County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-89-326-141, fax 886-89-330-559
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Governor
- Chunghsing Village
- Nantou Hsien, Taiwan Provincial Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-49-332-201, fax 886-49-329-224
- Chief
- 1 Hsienfu Rd.
- Taoyuan, Taoyuan County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-3-337-6300, fax 886-3-337-5928
- Chief
- 515 Yunlin Rd., Sec. 2, Touliu
- Yunlin Hsien, Yunlin County Government
- Taiwan
- phone 886-55-322-154, fax 886-55-350-749
TAJIKISTAN (Republic of)
- Imamali Rakhmanov
- President
- Office of the President
- Prospekt Lenina 42
- Dushanbe
- Tajikistan
- Oblast Chairmen
- Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous oblast
- Khorog
- Tajikistan
- phone 377910-32-59, fax 377910-43-99
- Chairmen-3 remaining oblasts, address research in progress.
- Kulyab oblast, Kurgan-Tyube oblast, Leninabad oblast
TANZANIA (United Republic of)
- Benjamin Mkapa
- President
- Office of the President
- Dar es Salaam
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 3050
- Arusha, Arusha
- Tanzania
- phone 255-57-2078, fax 255-57-2271
- Regional Commissioner
- Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Dodoma, Dodoma
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 858
- Iringa, Iringa
- Tanzania
- phone 255-64-2021, fax 255-64-2687
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 299
- Bukoba, Kagera
- Tanzania
- phone 255-66-20274, fax 255-66-22341
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 125
- Kigoma-Ujili, Kigoma
- Tanzania
- phone 255-695-2207, fax 255-695-2330
- Regional Commissioner
- Moshi, Kilimanjaro
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 1054
- Lindi, Lindi
- Tanzania
- phone 255-525-2502
- Regional Commissioner
- Musoma, Mara
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 74
- Mbeya, Mbeya
- Tanzania
- phone 255-65-2035, fax 255-65-4020
- e-mail [email protected]
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 650
- Morogoro, Morogoro
- Tanzania
- phone 255-56-4227, fax 255-56-4988
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 544
- Mtwara-Mikindani, Mtwara
- Tanzania
- phone 255-59-333194, fax 255-59-333268
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 119
- Mwanza, Mwanza
- Tanzania
- phone 255-68-500366, fax 255-68-40788
- Regional Commissioner
- Wete, Pemba North
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Pemba South
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Dar es Salaam, Pwani
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Sumbawanga, Rukwa
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Songea, Ruvuma
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Shinyanga, Shinyanga
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Singida, Singida
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Tabora, Tabora
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Tanga, Tanga
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Koani, Zanzibar Central/South
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- Mkokotoni, Zanzibar North
- Tanzania
- Regional Commissioner
- P.O. Box 265
- Zanzibar, Zanzibar Urban/West
- Tanzania
- phone 255-54-30219
- Regional Commissioner
- Ziwa Magharibi
- Tanzania
- Alternately, write:
- Regional Commissioner of (Region), c/o
- Ministry of Regional Administration & Local Governments
- P.O. Box 1501
- Dodoma
- Tanzania
THAILAND (Kingdom of)
- King Bhumibol Adulyadej
- Chitralada Villa
- Bangkok
- Thailand
- H.E. Chuan Leekpai
- Prime Minister
- The Secretariat of the Prime Minister
- Government House, Phitsanulok Road
- Bangkok 10300
- Thailand
- phone 66-2-282-6543, fax 66-2-282-8631
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Governors-73 Provinces-Address research in progress.
- Meanwhile write:
- Governor of (Province) c/o
- Department of Local Administration
- Ministry of the Interior
- Thanon Asadang
- Bangkok 10200
- Thailand
TIBET, see Xizang Autonomous Region, China
TOGO (Republic of)
- Etienne Gnassingbe Eyadema
- President
- Presidence de la Republique
- Lome
- Togo
- phone 228-21-2701
- e-mail page
- webpage
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Afagna
- Togo
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Agou
- Togo
- phone 228-47-10-17
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Akebou
- Togo
- phone 228-44-80-06
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Amou
- Togo
- phone 228-46-00-25
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Assoli
- Togo
- phone 228-66-00-40
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Ave
- Togo
- phone 228-37-10-02
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Bassar
- Togo
- phone 228-63-00-35
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Binah
- Togo
- phone 228-64-00-58
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Blitta
- Togo
- phone 228-54-00-26
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Dankpen
- Togo
- phone 228-63-60-11
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Danyi
- Togo
- phone 228-47-50-01
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Doufelgou
- Togo
- phone 228-65-00-34
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Est Mono
- Togo
- phone 228-42-80-02
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Golfe
- Togo
- phone 228-21-08-93
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Haho
- Togo
- phone 228-42-00-95
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Keran
- Togo
- phone 228-67-00-02
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Kloto
- Togo
- phone 228-41-00-54
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Kozah
- Togo
- phone 228-60-10-25
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Kpele Akata
- Togo
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Kpendjal
- Togo
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Lacs
- Togo
- phone 228-31-00-52
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Moyen Mono
- Togo
- phone 228-42-80-02
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Ogou
- Togo
- phone 228-40-01-40
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Oti
- Togo
- phone 228-71-71-25
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Sotouboua
- Togo
- phone 228-53-00-71
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Tandjouare
- Togo
- phone 228-70-80-63
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Tchamba
- Togo
- phone 228-52-00-22
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Tchaoudjo
- Togo
- phone 228-50-01-55
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Tone
- Togo
- phone 228-70-80-10
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Vo
- Togo
- phone 228-33-10-32
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Wawa
- Togo
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Yoto
- Togo
- phone 228-34-03-19
- Monsieur le Prefet
- Zio
- Togo
- phone 228-30-40-22
TONGA (Kingdom of)
- King Taufa`ahau Tupou IV
- The Palace
- P.O. Box 6
- Nuku`alofa
- Tonga
- phone 676-21-000, fax 676-24-102
- Governor of the Ha`apai Group
- Governors Office
- Pangi, Ha`apai Island
- Tonga
- Governor of the Vava`u Group
- Governors Office
- Neiafu, Vava`u Island
- Tonga
- Arthur Robinson
- President
- President`s House
- St. Ann`s
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone: 1-868-624-1261, fax: 1-868-625-7950
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Basdeo Panday
- Prime Minister
- Office of the Prime Minister
- St. Ann`s
- Trinidad and Tobago
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Mayor
- The Mayor`s Office
- Town Hall, Sorzano Street
- Arima, Arima Borough Corporation
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-667-3449, fax 1-868-667-1010
- Mayor
- The Mayor`s Office
- Corner, Taitt & Cumberbatch Streets
- Chaguanas, Chaguanas Borough Corporation
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-665-5816
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- Railway Road
- Couva, Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- 2-3 Orchid Drive
- Petit Valley, Diego Martin Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-637-2204, fax 1-868-637-8072
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- County Hall
- High Street
- Rio Claro, Mayaro/Rio Claro Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- County Hall
- 4 Dookie Street
- Penal, Penal/Debe Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-647-7475
- Mayor
- The Mayor`s Office, Town Hall
- George Street, Mahaica
- Point Fortin, Point Fortin Municipality
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-648-0451, fax 1-868-648-0728
- Mayor
- City Hall, 2-4 Knox Street
- Port of Spain, Port-of-Spain City Corporation
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-623-6024, fax 1-868-623-5403
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- County Hall
- Hosein's Mall, High Street
- Princes Town, Princes Town Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-655-3522, fax 1-868-655-9280
- Mayor
- The Mayor`s Office
- City Hall, Harris Promenade
- San Fernando, San Fernando Municipality
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-652-2543-47, fax 1-868-652-9378
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- PTSC Administration Bldg, Beetham Highway
- Laventille, San Juan/Laventille Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-623-6261
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- County Hall
- Ramdass Street
- Sangre Grande, Sangre Grande Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- County Hall
- High Street
- Siparia, Siparia Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-649-0211, fax 1-868-649-2435
- Chairman of the Regional Corporation
- County Hall
- Centenary Street
- Tunapuna, Tunapuna/Piarco Regional Corp.
- Trinidad and Tobago
- phone 1-868-645-0692
TUNISIA (Republic of)
- Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
- President
- Presidence de la Republique, Palais de Carthage
- 2016 Carthage
- Tunisia
- webpage
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Beja
- Beja 9000
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Chouchet Rades
- Ben Arous 2013
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Place de la Republique
- Bizerte 7000
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Gabes
- Gabes 6000
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Avenue Habib Bourguiba
- Gafsa 2100
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Avenue Habib Bourguiba
- Jendouba 8100
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Avenue Taieb Mhiri
- Kairouan 3100
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Kasserine
- Kasserine 1200
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Kebili
- Kebili 4002
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Avenue Farhat Hached
- L`Ariana 2080
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat du Kef
- Le Kef 7100
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Mahdia
- Mahdia 5100
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Avenue Habib Bourguiba
- Medenine 4100
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Monastir
- Monastir 5000
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Nabeul
- Nabeul 8000
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Avenue Habib Bourguiba
- Sfax 3000
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Avenue Habib Bourguiba
- Sidi Bouzid 9100
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Siliana
- Siliana 6100
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Sousse
- Sousse 4000
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Tataouine
- Tataouine 3200
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Tozeur
- Tozeur 2200
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Avenue Habib Thameur
- Tunis 1001
- Tunisia
- Le Gouverneur
- Gouvernorat de Zaghouan
- Zaghouan 1100
- Tunisia
TURKEY (Republic of)
- Suleyman Demirel
- President
- Cumhurbaskanligi Kosku
- Cankaya
- 06100 Ankara
- Turkey
- fax 90-312-468-5026
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Bulent Ecevit
- Prime Minister
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Basbakanlik
- 06573 Ankara
- Turkey
- fax 90-312-417-0476
- e-mail [email protected]
- Governor
- Adana Valiligine
- Adana
- Turkey
- Governor
- Adiyaman Valiligine
- Adiyaman
- Turkey
- Governor
- Afyonkarahisar Valiligine
- Afyonkarahisar
- Turkey
- Governor
- Agri Valiligine
- Agri/Karakose
- Turkey
- Governor
- Amasya Valiligine
- Amasya
- Turkey
- Governor
- Ankara Valiligine
- Ankara
- Turkey
- Governor
- Antalya Valiligine
- Antalya/Adalia
- Turkey
- Governor
- Artvin Valiligine
- Artvin
- Turkey
- Governor
- Aydin Valiligine
- Aydin
- Turkey
- Governor
- Balikesir Valiligine
- Balikesir
- Turkey
- Governor
- Bilecik Valiligine
- Bilecik
- Turkey
- Governor
- Bingol Valiligine
- Bingol/Capakcur
- Turkey
- Governor
- Bitlis Valiligine
- Bitlis
- Turkey
- Governor
- Bolu Valiligine
- Bolu
- Turkey
- Governor
- Burdur Valiligine
- Burdur
- Turkey
- Governor
- Bursa Valiligine
- Bursa
- Turkey
- Governor
- Canakkale Valiligine
- Canakkale
- Turkey
- Governor
- Cankiri Valiligine
- Cankiri
- Turkey
- Governor
- Corum Valiligine
- Corum
- Turkey
- Governor
- Denizli Valiligine
- Denizli
- Turkey
- Governor
- Diyarbakir Valiligine
- Diyarbakir
- Turkey
- Governor
- Edirne Valiligine
- Edirne
- Turkey
- Governor
- Elazig Valiligine
- Elazig
- Turkey
- Governor
- Erzincan Valiligine
- Erzincan
- Turkey
- Governor
- Erzurum Valiligine
- Erzurum
- Turkey
- Governor
- Eskisehir Valiligine
- Eskisehir
- Turkey
- Governor
- Gaziantep Valiligine
- Gaziantep
- Turkey
- Governor
- Giresun Valiligine
- Giresun
- Turkey
- Governor
- Gumushane Valiligine
- Gumushane
- Turkey
- Governor
- Hakkari Valiligine
- Hakkari/Colemerik
- Turkey
- Governor
- Hatay Valiligine
- Hatay
- Turkey
- Governor
- Icel Valiligine
- Icel
- Turkey
- Governor
- Isparta Valiligine
- Isparta
- Turkey
- Governor
- Istanbul Valiligine
- Istanbul
- Turkey
- Governor
- Izmir Valiligine
- Izmir/Smyrna
- Turkey
- Governor
- Kahramanmaras Valiligine
- Kahramanmaras/Maras
- Turkey
- Governor
- Kars Valiligine
- Kars
- Turkey
- Governor
- Kastamonu Valiligine
- Kastamonu
- Turkey
- Governor
- Kayseri Valiligine
- Kayseri
- Turkey
- Governor
- Kirklareli Valiligine
- Kirklareli
- Turkey
- Governor
- Kirsehir Valiligine
- Kirsehir
- Turkey
- Governor
- Kocaeli Valiligine
- Kocaeli/Izmit
- Turkey
- Governor
- Konya Valiligine
- Konya
- Turkey
- Governor
- Kutahya Valiligine
- Kutahya
- Turkey
- Governor
- Malatya Valiligine
- Malatya
- Turkey
- Governor
- Manisa Valiligine
- Manisa
- Turkey
- Governor
- Mardin Valiligine
- Mardin
- Turkey
- Governor
- Mugla Valiligine
- Mugla
- Turkey
- Governor
- Mus Valiligine
- Mus
- Turkey
- Governor
- Nevsehir Valiligine
- Nevsehir
- Turkey
- Governor
- Nigde Valiligine
- Nigde
- Turkey
- Governor
- Ordu Valiligine
- Ordu
- Turkey
- Governor
- Rize Valiligine
- Rize
- Turkey
- Governor
- Sakarya Valiligine
- Sakarya/Adapazari
- Turkey
- Governor
- Samsun Valiligine
- Samsun
- Turkey
- Governor
- Siirt Valiligine
- Siirt
- Turkey
- Governor
- Sinop Valiligine
- Sinop
- Turkey
- Governor
- Sivas Valiligine
- Sivas
- Turkey
- Governor
- Tekirdag Valiligine
- Tekirdag
- Turkey
- Governor
- Tokat Valiligine
- Tokat
- Turkey
- Governor
- Trabzon Valiligine
- Trabzon/Trebizond
- Turkey
- Governor
- Tunceli Valiligine
- Tunceli/Kalan
- Turkey
- Governor
- Urfa Valiligine
- Urfa
- Turkey
- Governor
- Usak Valiligine
- Usak
- Turkey
- Governor
- Van Valiligine
- Van
- Turkey
- Governor
- Yozgat Valiligine
- Yozgat
- Turkey
- Governor
- Zonguldak Valiligine
- Zonguldak
- Turkey
- Alternately, write:
- Governor of (Province) c/o
- Ministry of the Interior
- T.C. Icisleri Bakanligi
- Bakanliklar
- Ankara
- Turkey
- Saparmurad Niyazov
- President
- Office of the President
- Zdaniye Pravitel`stra
- Ashkabad
- Turkmenistan
- Governors/Khyakim-5 Counties/Velayats-Address research in progress
- Meanwhile write:
- Khyakim of (Velayat), c/o
- Ministry of Interior Affairs
- 83 Magtumguli Avenue
- 744000 Ashgabad
- Turkmenistan
- Akhal velayat, Ashkabad velayat, Chardzhou City, Dashkhowus City,
- Dashkhowus velayat
- Hon. Bikenibeu Paeniu
- Prime Minister
- Government of Tuvalu
- Private Mail Bag, Vaiaku
- Funafuti
- Tuvalu
- phone 688-20839, fax 688-20843
UGANDA (Republic of)
- Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
- President
- Office of the President
- Parliament Bldgs, P.O. Box 7168
- Kampala
- Uganda
- phone 256-41-231-900, fax 256-41-258-722
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Kintu Musoke
- Prime Minister
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Post Office Building
- St. Clement Hill Rd, P.O. Box 341
- Kampala
- Uganda
- phone 256-41-232-575
- Governor
- P.O. Box 2
- Apac, Apac District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 1
- Arua, Arua District
- Uganda
- Central Government Representative-Bundibugyo District
- c/o Ministry of Local Government
- P.O. Box 7037
- Kampala
- Uganda
- phone 256-41-256533
- Governor
- P.O. Box 51
- Bushenyi, Bushenyi District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 2
- Gulu, Gulu District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 2
- Hoima, Hoima Distict
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 358
- Iganga, Iganga District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 1551
- Jinja, Jinja District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 5
- Kabale, Kabale District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 38
- Kabarole, Kabarole District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 2
- Kalangala, Kalangala District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 352
- Kampala, Kampala District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 141
- Kamuli, Kamuli District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 2
- Kapchorwa, Kapchorwa District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 250
- Kasese, Kasese District
- Uganda
- Central Government Representative-Kibale District
- c/o Ministry of Local Government
- P.O. Box 7037
- Kampala
- Uganda
- phone 256-41-256533
- Governor
- P.O. Box 1
- Kiboga, Kiboga District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 123
- Kisoro, Kisoro District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 28
- Kitgum, Kitgum District
- Uganda
- Central Government Representative-Kotido District
- c/o Ministry of Local Government
- P.O. Box 7037
- Kampala
- Uganda
- phone 256-41-256533
- Governor
- P.O. Box 44
- Kumi, Kumi District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 49
- Lira, Lira District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 78
- Luwero, Luwero District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 634
- Masaka, Masaka District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 67
- Masindi, Masindi District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 931
- Mbale, Mbaale District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 1
- Mbarara, Mbarara District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 4
- Moroto, Moroto District
- Uganda
- Central Government Representative-Moyo District
- c/o Ministry of Local Government
- P.O. Box 7037
- Kampala
- Uganda
- phone 256-41-256533
- Governor
- P.O. Box 69
- Mpigi, Mpigi District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 1
- Mubende, Mubende District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 110
- Mukono, Mukono District
- Uganda
- Central Government Representative-Nebbi District
- c/o Ministry of Local Government
- P.O. Box 7037
- Kampala
- Uganda
- phone 256-41-256533
- Central Government Representative-Ntungamo District
- c/o Ministry of Local Government
- P.O. Box 7037
- Kampala
- Uganda
- phone 256-41-256533
- Governor
- P.O. Box 14
- Pallisa, Pallisa District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 3
- Rakai, Rakai District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 1
- Rukungiri, Rukungiri District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 269
- Soroti, Soroti District
- Uganda
- Governor
- P.O. Box 100
- Tororo, Tororo District
- Uganda
- Leonid Kuchma
- President
- 11 Bankova St.
- Office of the President
- 252005, Kiev
- Ukraine
- phone 380-44-291-5333, fax 380-44-293-1001
- e-mail [email protected]
- Valeriy Pustovoitenko
- Prime Minister
- Cabinet of Ministers
- 12/2 Hrushevskiy Street
- 252008, Kiev
- Ukraine
- phone 380-44-226-2289, fax 380-44-293-2093
- Chairman
- Cherkasy Oblast State Administration
- 185, Shevchenko Blvd.
- 257001, Cherkasy
- Ukraine
- phone 380-472-47-3333, fax 380-472-47-2840
- Chairman
- Chernihiv Oblast State Administration
- 18, Lenina St.
- 250000, Chernihiv
- Ukraine
- phone 380-4622-7-5023, fax 380-4622-7-5023
- Chairman
- Chernivtsi Oblast State Administration
- 1, Hrushevskiy St.
- 274010, Chernivtsi
- Ukraine
- phone 380-3722-2-3010, fax 380-3722-55-3776
- Chairman
- Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration
- 2, Kirova Ave.
- 430004, Dnipropetrovsk
- Ukraine
- phone 380-562-42-8980, fax 380-562-42-8954
- Chairman
- Donetsk Oblast State Administration
- 34, Pushkin Blvd.
- 340105, Donetsk
- Ukraine
- phone 380-622-90-7113, fax 380-622-92-1362
- Chairman
- Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast State Administration
- 21, Gryshevskogo St.
- 284004, Ivano-Frankivsk
- Ukraine
- phone 380-3422-2-2291, fax 380-3422-2-5048
- webpage
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chairman
- Kharkiv Oblast State Administration
- Entrance No. 8, Derzhprom
- 310022, Kharkiv
- Ukraine
- phone 380-572-43-2105, fax 380-572-43-2201
- Chairman
- Kherson Oblast State Administration
- 1, Svobody Sq.
- 325000, Kherson
- Ukraine
- phone 380-552-22-3079, fax 380-552-26-3602
- Chairman
- Khmelnytsk Oblast State Administration
- Council Building, Nezalezhnosti Sq.
- 280005, Khmelnytsk
- Ukraine
- phone 380-382-76-5025, fax 380-3827-6-1165
- Chairman
- Kirovohrad Oblast State Administration
- 1, Kirova Sq.
- 316022, Kirovohrad
- Ukraine
- phone 380-522-24-0330, fax 380-522-22-3566
- Prime Minister
- Government of the Autonomous Republic of Krym/(Crimea)
- 13, Kirova Ave.
- 333005, Simferopol, Krym
- Ukraine
- phone 380-652-27-6165, fax 380-652-24-8020
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chairman
- Kyiv City Government Administration
- 36, Khreshchatyk St.
- 252044, Kyiv
- Ukraine
- phone 380-44-226-2412, fax 380-44-229-2698
- Chairman
- Kyiv Oblast State Administration
- 1, Lesi Ukrainky Sq.
- 252196, Kyiv
- Ukraine
- phone 380-44-226-3043, fax 380-44-296-1510
- Chairman
- Lugansk Oblast State Administration
- 3, Heroiv Velykoi Vitchyznianoi Viyny Sq.
- 348000, Lugansk
- Ukraine
- phone 380-642-52-7019, fax 380-642-55-1454
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chairman
- Lviv Oblast State Administration
- 18, Vynnychenka St.
- 290601, Lviv
- Ukraine
- phone 380-322-72-8093, fax 380-322-76-7399
- Chairman
- Mykolaiv Oblast State Administration
- Lenina Sq.
- 327009, Mykolaiv
- Ukraine
- phone 380-512-35-2270, fax 380-512-35-4053
- Chairman
- Odesa Oblast State Administration
- 4, Shevchenko Ave.
- 270032, Odesa
- Ukraine
- phone 380-482-28-0300, fax 380-482-25-1577
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chairman
- Poltava Oblast State Administration
- 45, Zhovtneva St.
- 314000, Poltava
- Ukraine
- phone 380-5322-7-3573, fax 380-5322-2-5955
- Chairman
- Rivne Oblast State Administration
- 1, Prosvity Sq.
- 266000, Rivne
- Ukraine
- phone 380-362-26-4788, fax 380-362-26-0835
- Chairman
- Sevastopol City Administration
- 2, Lenina St.
- 335000, Sevastopol
- Ukraine
- phone 380-692-52-4214, fax 380-692-553-401
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chairman
- Sumy Oblast State Administration
- 2, Nezalezhnosti Sq.
- 244030, Sumy
- Ukraine
- phone 380-542-22-4649, fax 380-542-22-2011
- Chairman
- Ternopil Oblast State Administration
- 8, Hrushevskoho St.
- 282021, Ternopil
- Ukraine
- phone 380-352-22-0788, fax 380-352-25-1959
- Chairman
- Vinnytsia Oblast State Administration
- 70, Lenin St.
- 286000, Vinnytsia
- Ukraine
- phone 380-432-32-2035, fax 380-432-32-7540
- e-mail [email protected]
- Chairman
- Volyn Oblast State Administration
- 9, Kyiv Sq.
- 263027, Lutsk
- Ukraine
- phone 380-3322-7-9010, fax 380-3322-4-7122
- Chairman
- Zakarpaty Oblast State Administration
- 4, Narodna Sq.
- 204000, Uzhhorod
- Ukraine
- phone 380-3122-1-3051, fax 380-3122-1-5356
- Chairman
- Zaporizhya Oblast State Administration
- 164, Lenina Ave.
- 330107, Zaporizhya
- Ukraine
- phone 380-612-33-1191, fax 380-612-34-3483
- Chairman
- Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration
- 1, Rada Sq.
- 262014, Zhytomyr
- Ukraine
- phone 380-412-37-2402, fax 380-412-37-0438
- Sheikh Zaid bin Sultan Al Nahayan
- President
- Amiti Palace
- Abu Dhabi
- United Arab Emirates
- webpage
- Emirs-7 Emirates-Address research in progress. Meanwhile write:
- Emir of (Emirate) c/o
- Ministry of the Interior
- P.O. Box 398
- Abu Dhabi
- United Arab Emirates
- Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Al Fujayrah, Ash Shariqah, Dubai, Ra`s al
- Khaymah, Umm al Qaywayn
UNITED KINGDOM (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- c/o Private Secretary
- Buckingham Palace
- SWIA 1AA London
- United Kingdom
- phone 44-171-930-4832
- webpage
- Rt. Hon. Tony Blair
- Prime Minister
- 10 Downing St.
- SW1A 2AA London
- United Kingdom
- fax 44-171-925-0918
- webpage
- Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
- Stormont
- BT4 3ST Belfast, Northern Ireland
- United Kingdom
- phone 44-123-276-3255
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Secretary of State for Scotland
- St. Andrew`s House
- EH1 3D6 Edinburgh, Scotland
- United Kingdom
- phone 44-131-556-8400
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Secretary of State for Wales
- Cathays Park
- CF1 3NQ Cardiff, Wales
- United Kingdom
- phone 44-122-282-5111
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
VANUATU (Republic of)
- Jean Marie Leye
- President
- Office of the President
- P.O. Box 110
- Port-Vila
- Vanuatu
- Serge Vohor
- Prime Minister
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Port-Vila
- Vanuatu
- Governors-11 Island Councils-Address research in progress
- Ambrym, Aoba/Maewo, Banks/Torres, Efate, Epi, Malakula, Paama,
- Pentecote, Santo/Malo, Shepherd, Tafea
- His Holiness John Paul II
- Pope
- Apostolic Palace
- 00120
- Vatican City - Italy
- fax 39-6-69-88-50-88
- webpage
VENEZUELA (Republic of)
- Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias
- President
- Oficina del Presidente
- Palacio de Miraflores
- Caracas
- Venezuela
- phone 58-281-0811, fax 58-221-162
- webpage
- Gobernador Designado
- Principal a la Torre
- frente a la Plaza Bolivar
- Caracas, Distrito Federal
- Venezuela
- phone 58-281-1111, fax 58-283-8486
- Gobernador Encargado
- Casa de Gobierno
- Av. Rio Negro
- Puerto Ayacucho, Estado Amazonas
- Venezuela
- phone 58-4821-0865, fax 58-4821-0371
- Gobernador Encargado
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Av. 5 de Julio, diagonal al Pal. de Just
- Barcelona, Estado Anzoategui
- Venezuela
- phone 58-8177-4111, fax 58-8176-3210
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Calle Bolivar
- San Fernando de Apure, Estado Apure
- Venezuela
- phone 58-472-4584, fax 58-472-8651
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Av. Miranda, frente a la Plaza Bolivar
- Maracay, Estado Aragua
- Venezuela
- phone 58-4333-6211, fax 58-4333-7002
- Gobernador Encargado
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Av Marques del Pumar, frente Pl. Bolivar
- Barinas, Estado Barinas
- Venezuela
- phone 58-732-2466, fax 58-732-6850
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Calle Constitucion
- Ciudad Bolivar, Estado Bolivar
- Venezuela
- phone 58-852-5357, fax 58-852-1316
- Gobernador Electo
- El Capitolio
- Av. Montes de Oca
- Valencia, Estado Carabobo
- Venezuela
- phone 58-4157-2722, fax 58-4157-0783
- Gobernador Encargado
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Av. Sucre
- San Carlos, Estado Cojedes
- Venezuela
- phone 58-5833-0969, fax 58-5833-2015
- Gobernador Encargado
- Casa de Gobierno
- Calle Bolivar
- Tucupita, Estado Delta Amacuro
- Venezuela
- phone 58-8721-2443, fax 58-8721-2985
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Calle Ampies
- Coro, Estado Falcon
- Venezuela
- phone 58-6851-1686, fax 58-6851-8004
- webpage
- Gobernador Encargado
- Casa de Gobierno
- Av. Romulo Gallegos
- San Juan de los Morros, Estado Guarico
- Venezuela
- phone 58-4631-5468, fax 58-4631-0726
- webpage
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Carrera 19
- Barquisimeto, Estado Lara
- Venezuela
- phone 58-5132-0990, fax 58-5131-8952
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Avenida 4
- Merida, Estado Merida
- Venezuela
- phone 58-7452-2477, fax 58-7452-0025
- e-mail [email protected] webpage
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- frente a la Plaza Bolivar
- Los Teques, Estado Miranda
- Venezuela
- phone 58-3232-5712, fax 58-3231-5335
- Gobernador Electo
- Casa de Gobierno
- Carrera 7
- Maturin, Estado Monagas
- Venezuela
- phone 58-9141-1191, fax 58-9141-1396
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Calle Virgen Del Carmen
- La Asuncion, Estado Nueva Esparta
- Venezuela
- phone 58-9542-2601, fax 58-9542-2503
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Guanare, Estado Portuguesa
- Venezuela
- phone 58-5751-4780, fax 58-5751-5252
- Gobernador Encargado
- Casa de Gobierno
- Calle Bolivar
- Cumana, Estado Sucre
- Venezuela
- phone 58-9331-2584, fax 58-9366-3025
- Gobernador Encargado
- Casa de Gobierno
- Carrera 10
- San Cristobal, Estado Tachira
- Venezuela
- phone 58-7644-7511, fax 58-7643-4642
- webpage
- Gobernador Electo
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Av. Independencia
- Trujillo, Estado Trujillo
- Venezuela
- phone 58-723-2666, fax 58-723-5666
- Gobernador Encargado
- Palacio de Gobierno
- San Felipe, Estado Yaracuy
- Venezuela
- phone 58-5431-0744, fax 58-544-1380
- Gobernador Encargado
- Palacio de Gobierno
- Calle 95
- Maracaibo, Estado Zulia
- Venezuela
- phone 58-6122-5624, fax 58-6122-1947
VIETNAM (Socialist Republic of)
- Le Kha Phieu
- General Secretary
- Council of Ministers
- Bac Thao
- Hanoi
- Vietnam
- Phan Van Khai
- Prime Minister
- 1 Hoang Hoa Tham Street
- Hanoi
- Vietnam
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 160 Ton Duc Thang Str.
- Long Xuyen Town, An Giang Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-76-52636, fax 84-76-52037
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 26 Thong Nhat Str.
- Vung Tau City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-64-52183, fax 84-64-52324
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 14 Nha Trang Str.
- Thai Nguyen Town, Bac Thai Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-28-55339, fax 84-28-55385
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 7 Cach Mang Thang Tam Str., Ward 3
- Ben Tre Town, Ben Tre Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-75-22295, fax 84-75-22134
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 01 Tran Phu Str.
- Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-56-22067, fax 84-56-22057
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 04 Hai Thuong Lan Ong Str.
- Phan Thiet Town, Binh Thuan Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-62-21219, fax 84-62-22919
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 03 Phan Dinh Phung Str.
- Can Tho City, Can Tho Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-71-20949, fax 84-71-20713
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Hop Giang Ward
- Cao Bang Town, Cao Bang Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-26-52136, fax 84-26-52866
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 05 Doc Lap Str.
- Buon Ma Thuot Town, Dac Lac Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-50-52174, fax 84-50-53026
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 02 Phan Van Tri Str.
- Bien Hoa Town, Dong Nai Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-61-22501, fax 84-61-24934
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 30-4 Str.
- Cao Lanh Town, Dong Thap Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-67-51149, fax 84-67-51615
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 01 Hai Ba Trung Str.
- Pleiku Town, Gia Lai Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-59-24659, fax 84-59-24711
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Le Loi Str.
- Bac Giang Town, Ha Bac Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-24-54409, fax 84-24-55012
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Nguyen Trai Ward
- Ha Giang Town, Ha Giang Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-19-66303, fax 84-19-66420
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 79 Dinh Tien Hoang Str.
- Ha Noi City, Ha Noi
- Vietnam
- phone 84-42-53536, fax 84-42-43126
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 2A Nguyen Chanh Str.
- Ha Dong Town, Ha Tay Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-34-24396, fax 84-34-24984
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Nguyen Tat Thanh Str.
- Ha Tinh Town, Ha Tinh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-39-56684
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 45 Quang Trung Str.
- Hai Hung Town, Hai Hung Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-32-52317, fax 84-32-53601
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 18 Hoang Dieu Str.
- Hai Phong City, Hai Phong
- Vietnam
- phone 84-31-42390, fax 84-31-42368
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 86 Le Thanh Ton Str., Dist. 1
- Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh
- Vietnam
- phone 84-8-291055, fax 84-8-295675
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Hoa Binh Town, Hoa Binh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-18-52068, fax 84-18-52491
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 01 Tran Phu Str.
- Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-58-22661, fax 84-58-21903
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 02 Nguyen Cong Tru Str.
- Rach Gia Town, Kien Giang Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-77-62564, fax 84-77-62687
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 100 Tran Phu Str.
- Kon Tum Town, Kon Tum Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-60-62331, fax 84-60-62493
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Dien Bien Phu Town, Lai Chau Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-23-25107, fax 84-23-25076
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 4 Tran Hung Dao
- Da Lat City, Lam Dong Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-63-22426, fax 84-63-21138
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Hung Vuong Str.
- Lang Son Town, Lang Son Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-25-70101, fax 84-25-71257
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Hoang Lien Str.
- Lao Cai Town, Lao Cai Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-20-40009, fax 84-20-40006
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 61 Nguyen Hue Str.
- Tan An Town, Long An Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-72-26333, fax 84-72-21858
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 02 Hung Vuong Str.
- Ca Mau Town, Minh Hai Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-78-31352, fax 84-78-33343
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 74 Mac Thi Buoi Str.
- Nam Dinh City, Nam Ha Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-35-49245, fax 84-35-48627
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Nguyen Phong Sac Str.
- Vinh City, Nghe An Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-38-44613, fax 84-38-43049
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Le Hong Phong Str.
- Ninh Binh Town, Ninh Binh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-30-71051, fax 84-30-71890
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 238 Thog Nhat Str.
- Phan Rang Town, Ninh Thuan Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-68-22686, fax 84-68-22866
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 01 Nguyen Truong To Str.
- Huy Hoa Town, Phu Yen Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-57-23633, fax 84-57-24842
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 50 Ly Thuong Kiet Str.
- Dong Hoi Town, Quang Binh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-52-22517, fax 84-52-22791
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 42 Bach Dang Str.
- Da Nang City, Quang Nam-Da Nang Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-51-22206, fax 84-51-25321
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 50-52 Phan Boi Chau Str.
- Quang Ngai Town, Quang Ngai Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-55-22858, fax 84-55-22217
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Nguyen Van Cu Str., Hong Ha Ward
- Ha Long City, Quang Ninh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-33-35521, fax 84-33-35353
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 45 Hung Vuong Str.
- Dong Ha Town, Quang Tri Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-53-53264, fax 84-53-52827
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 02 Tran Phu Str.
- Soc Trang Town, Soc Trang Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-79-21329, fax 84-79-20473
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Chieng Le Ward
- Son La Town, Son La Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-22-52014, fax 84-22-52028
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 01 Quang Trung Str.
- Thu Dau Mot Town, Song Be Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-65-22857, fax 84-65-22174
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 21 C3 Cach Mang Thang Tam Str.
- Tay Ninh Town, Tay Ninh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-66-22233, fax 84-66-27290
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 02 Le Loi Str.
- Thai Binh Town, Thai Binh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-36-31327, fax 84-36-31513
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Ha Van Mao Str., Ba Dinh Ward
- Thanh Hao Town, Thanh Hoa Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-37-52664, fax 84-37-51255
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 14 Le Loi Str.
- Hue City, Thua Thien-Hue Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-54-22008, fax 84-54-22803
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 23 30-4 Str.
- My Tho Town, Tien Giang Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-73-73162, fax 84-73-73680
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 52A Le Loi Str.
- Tra Vinh Town, Tra Vinh Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-74-62579, fax 84-74-62080
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Minh Xuan Ward
- Tuyen Quang Town, Tuyen Quang Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-27-22469, fax 84-27-22897
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- 88 Hoang Thai Hieu Str.
- Vinh Long Town, Vinh Long Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-70-22574, fax 84-70-23774
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Tan Dan Ward
- Viet Tri City, Vinh Phu Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-21-46618, fax 84-21-46816
- Chairman, People`s Committee
- Km 5, Highway 37
- Yen Bai Town, Yen Bai Province
- Vietnam
- phone 84-29-52347, fax 84-29-52808
WESTERN SAMOA (Independent State of)
- Malietoa Tanumafili II
- Head of state
- Government House
- Vailima
- Apia
- Western Samoa-S. Pacific
- Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi
- Prime Minister
- Prime Minister`s Office
- P.O. Box L1861
- Apia
- Western Samoa-S. Pacific
- phone 685-21-500, fax 685-21-504
- webpage
- Governors-11 Districts-Address research in progress
- A`ana, Aiga-i-le-Tai, Atua, Fa`asaleleaga, Gaga`emauga,
- Gagaifomauga, Palauli, Satupa`itea, Tuamasaga, Va`a-o-Fonoti,
- Vaisigano
YEMEN (Republic of)
- Ali Abdullah Saleh
- President
- Office of the President
- Sana
- Yemen
- phone 967-274-629
- Governors-17 Governorates-Address research in progress
- Abyan, Adan, Al Bayda`, Al Hudaydah, Al Jawf, Al Mahrah, Al
- Mahwit, Dhamar, Hadramawt, Hajjah, Ibb, Lahij, Ma`rib, Sa`dah,
- San`a`, Shabwah, Ta`izz
YUGOSLAVIA (Socialist Federal Republic of)
- Slobodan Milosevic
- Federal President
- Savezna Skupstina
- 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
- Yugoslavia
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Momir Bulatovic
- Federal Prime Minister
- Office of the Federal Prime Minister
- Palace of Federation
- Belgrade, Serbia
- Yugoslavia
- phone 381-11-311-70-87, fax 381-11-637-185
- e-mail [email protected]
- Milan Milutinovic
- President
- Office of the President
- Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
- Yugoslavia
- Mirko Marjanovic
- Prime Minister
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
- Yugoslavia
- Milo Djukanovic
- President
- Office of the President
- Titograd, Republic Montenegro
- Yugoslavia
- Prime Minister
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Titograd, Republic of Montenegro
- Yugoslavia
ZAIRE, see CONGO (Democratic Republic
ZAMBIA (Republic of)
- Frederick Chiluba
- President
- Office of the President, State House
- Cabinet Office, Box 30208
- Lusaka
- Zambia
- e-mail [email protected]
- webpage
- Deputy Minister for Central province
- P.O. Box 80903
- Kabwe, Central province
- Zambia
- Deputy Minister for Copperbelt province
- P.O. Box 70153
- Ndola, Copperbelt province
- Zambia
- Deputy Minister for Eastern province
- P.O. Box 510076
- Chipata, Eastern province
- Zambia
- Deputy Minister for Luapula province
- P.O. Box 710065
- Mansa, Luapula province
- Zambia
- Deputy Minister for Lusaka province
- P.O. Box 35301
- Lusaka
- Zambia
- Deputy Minister for North-Western province
- P.O. Box 110100
- Solwezi, North-Western province
- Zambia
- Deputy Minister for Northern province
- P.O. Box 410014
- Kasama, Northern province
- Zambia
- Deputy Minister for Southern province
- P.O. Box 60298
- Livingstone, Southern province
- Zambia
- Deputy Minister for Western province
- P.O. Box 910026
- Mongu, Western province
- Zambia
ZIMBABWE (Republic of)
- Robert Mugabe
- Executive President
- Office of the President
- Private Bag 7700, Causeway
- Harare
- Zimbabwe
- Provincial Governor
- P.O. Box 535
- Mutare, Manicaland
- Zimbabwe
- Provincial Governor
- P.O. Box 300
- Bindura, Mashonaland Central
- Zimbabwe
- Provincial Governor
- P.O. Box 87
- Marondera, Mashonaland East
- Zimbabwe
- Provincial Governor
- P.O. Box 750
- Chinhoyi, Mashonaland West
- Zimbabwe
- Provincial Governor
- P.O. Box 959
- Masvingo, Masvingo
- Zimbabwe
- Provincial Governor
- P.O. Box 1496
- Bulawayo, Matabeleland North
- Zimbabwe
- Provincial Governor
- P.O. Box 146
- Gwanda, Matabeleland South
- Zimbabwe
- Provincial Governor
- P.O. Box 365
- Gweru, Midlands
- Zimbabwe