Global Campaigns.
WORPHCO being an organization have taken a number of Iniatives to help the humanity
according to our charter.Our global Campaigns are as under:
Action Kosovo:
One of most successful campaigns, this campaing seeks indictment
of Mislosevic and rehabitation of displaced Kosovars. More than 850,000 people were made
homeless by the hatred policies of Milosevic.
World Action Againg
To date billions of People have just vanished from the face of
the earth. An unaccountable loss of lives followed by loss of money over maintaining wars
have made the countries engaged in wars suffer more. Increasing spending on arms leaves
people uneducated and hungry while their money goes to kill the people. WORPHCO has taken
this iniative to rid the world of wars. Our Global Conference "PeaCentury 2000"
will be a major breakthrough in this campaign hundreds of NGOs world wide and thousands of
Individuals will come together to form an International Network for Conflict resolution
and Peace Works.
Land Mines Ban Treaty.
Landmines are a tool of war which is least expensive
to make and most lethal. Wars end but landmines continues to kill the people even after
the war.Only $ 3 are needed to make a landmine, but more than $ 300 to clear it. We
ardently support the ban on Landmines worldwide. Though we still haven't begun actualy
mine clearing , but we are contiually advocating the ban on manufacture, use or
stockpiling of it.
Global Campaign for end
to Chemical Biological Warfare.
Some more than 30 countries are believed
to have facitlies to make and stockpile chemical and biogical arms. These include bombs
missiles and other warfare. We totally support the ban.
A world Wide conference held in Islamabad Pakistan ,
it aims to gather world wide experts and NGOs dedicated to peace for the formulation of
methods to stop wars and conflict resolution. Being held from 16-to-19 January 2000,
it will be major breakthrough for peace around the world.