Charter Our aims are
guided by fundamental commitment to human rights and
alleviation of human suffering, it seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts,
enhance freedom of expression, and democracy globally, through the network of
particitpating NGOs and memebers.
-1 Call for respect of human rights and fundamental freedom of all
citizens and residents of the world, defend any individual whose human rights are
subejcted to violation which are contrary to Universal
declaration of Human rights, Inernational Convenent on Economic and Cultural Rights ,
International Convenent on Civil and Political Rights
-2 To obtain release of deteained or imprisoned persons and seek relief and asistance for
persons whose freedom is restricted in any way or who are subjected to coercion of any
kind , because of their beliefs and political convictions, or for reasons of race sex,
color or language. Protest in any case where fair trial is not guaranteed.
-3 Provide legal assistance where necessary or possible. Call for
improvement in conditions of prisoners of conscience.
-4 To uphold surprmacy of law and order and to bring rational to humanlife under any
coercion whereever it may be , whenever it is. Our aim is global and we work around the
world where ever humanity needs us.
-5 Seek peaceful solutions to civil and military conflicts globally
through international negotiation network and exposing war crimes to the world.
-6 Promoting democracy and economic cooepration among emerging
demorcacies and poor nations.
-7 To take effective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace and
for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, in coodination
with international orgnizations and NGOs.
-8 To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principal of equal
rights and self determination of people.
-9 To achieve international cooperation in achieving resolutions of
international conflicts.
-10 Elimination of weaons of mass desttruction specially chemical and
biological warfare and land mines.