vioce3.gif (10902 bytes) July/August Issue.

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Welcome to the first issue of The Voice of Peace. The magazine dedicated to the liberty of speach and liberty to live. This magazine has the articles related to informing about the latest information on Human Rights , Peace & Nonviolence and Civic Liberties. We are continuation of making these pages more useful your suggessions in this regard will keep us abreast of what do u like to see in these pages. The Voice of Peace will be updated monthly. We invite users to submit there articles, which are related to this magazine and can inform or have specific information related to latest developments in Peace Talks or other matters. However most of these articles are writtern by our own staff but YOU as a reader can send your articles to us.

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Attaining Inner & Outer Peace.

Tolerance & Religous Understanding

Peace Qoutes

Key Themes In Global Peace

Childred in South Asia.�� From B.Healy

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India & Pakistan at the Brink of Nuclear War.

Visitor Number. Since. 20Apr.99