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Facts, Figures, Human Rights Violations
Background. Hr Violations International Law Govt Violations Summary Recmndations
Battered Bodies Shattered Souls. Victom of Conspiracy
A COVERT OPERATION? A number of prominent American Scholars of international teapot formed the Kashmir Study Group (KSG ) to help India and Pakistan identify and solve their problems: Kashmir being the focal point. They formed different teams to study and elicit opinions, trends, and undercurrents among opinion molding circles and individuals both in India and Pakistan. Mr. Farooq Kathwari a Kashmiri living in America sponsored the project. After their first study tour in April May 1997 they produced the report: " The Kashmir dispute at 50-charting the path to peace". After distribution of the monograph they held meetings ( Nov- Dec 1997 ) with people at various study centres. During their first visit ( April- May 1997 ) Pakistan Study Group at Lahore had over five hours brain storming session with them. The impressions and the feelings they incited then forced me to produce a small pamphlet " The Co-ordinate and also published in THE NATION Lahore. The KSGs report ( Nov-Dec 1997 ) confirmed the fears and the unfavorable orientation of the Study Group. The KSG monograph covers the case study in two sections: India-Findings, Pakistan-Findings, and finally the Recommendations.In their process of selecting the facts or the ground realities they have attributed the views, opinions and judgements to have intellectuals, Scholars, bureaucrats, serving and retired officials etc. Without naming them. Asked as to why the names have been concealed, on senior member of the group said that they did not want them too by lynched. Concealing the names created doubt about the veracity of the report: it looked fishy and the method is also not practiced in such documents. The report can be of an immense value to get an insight into the situation obtaining in both the countries. The respective sections have been treated separately using the actual words fubdubgs to obviate the need for allowing benefit of doubt to the authors who used the sharpest and incisive words with unmistakable connotations. Indians have been presented as clear, confident, strong on dot and mission oriented, patriotic and truly Indians. The views of Pakistanis are presented/produced in a manner derogatory to national image and as intended insults. Not all the US scholars hold unfavorable views against Pakistan but they also could pursue their fellow scholars from calling Pakistan a failing state. Themirror reflections in the following pages quoting the actual words of the report have made the analysis rather lengthy but using the words of the report itself as an authentic document brings the report in clear focus. The information is educative and enlightening though the views of so called Pakistani courses are baffling and no less very disgusting. INDIAN SECTION
The picture intended to be developed by the scholars was based on the views and opinions of the Indians as under:
Indian view of Pakistans capabilities
Siachen Glacier and other Issues. A very senior civil servant felt that the engagement at Siachen was " sheer the wish list. The settlement is through autonomy for Azad Kashmir and Kashmir will be easier for many Incense. The uneasy relations with India emanate from insecurity of elite classes. Others envisage Pakistanis do not have such animosity for India. Pakistan have now accepted Chinese President ZEMINs advice ( 1996) to normalize relations with India. Nawaz Shrif, swords implied willingness to place Kashmir on back burner. Pakistani military will not show change indocile publicly- they also will go along with It Pakistan is willing to give regional co-operation a try. The security need of Indian held position of Kashmir in Indian union was final.
Kashmir Militancy- Kashmiris Alienation with India Complete and Final- Disillusioned with Pakistan:- All Parties Hurriyet Conference:- In Indian mind the APHC at best is as corrupt and self-serving, at worst little better than terrorists. APHC stand is clear that self-determination was an absolute requirement. If India is not ready to give self-determination then "we will not surrender to the occupying forces, no matter what". The national conference of Farooq Abdullah has no constituency in the Valley.
The elections in Kashmir 1996:- According to the well wishes of India, Farooq Abdullahs was the first "popular" government in Kashmir. It is taken that Kashmiri Muslims had expressed their recognition that the states separation from India was unattainable. That is the way elections were held. In the eyes of the people, Farooq Abdullah was simply an agent of the Government of India. He is killer-a quisling. Talking to him was impossible. He is not a balanced man. The insiders feel that overall situation in the valley has not improved. The situation is so bad that Kashmir especially in villages cannot lead a normal life.
Human Rights Violations:- The primary blame rests with the insurgents who commit outrages and provoke the security forces to take counter measures. Elsewhere in India there was some accountability but not in Kashmir. The human rights position in Kashmir is dismal. The insight is not allowed and the custodial and random killing is part of the policy. The Government was funding NGOs to put up a good face for the Government.Role of Indian Media. The Indian media with notable exceptions have for all practical purposes observed a blackout on honest reporting about Kashmir. There was a pervasive anti- Muslim communal bias to steer others away from Kashmir. Since 1950 no individual on the streets in India has been told the truth about Kashmir. No one in the parliament was willing to speak out on Kashmir. This conspiracy of silence had paralyzed the governments Kashmir policy. The Indian Press has an aversion to third party interference in Kashmir. They trust the government will be able to settle the matter in the interest of the state.
Economic-Environments- Grievances :- Kashmir feels that India has suppressed development of Kashmiris talents. It will be in fine shape without India. The tourism industry has suffered for security considerations. India did not allow foreign investment. Major job creating public work programs was not undertaken. Only the corrupt Indian favorites have filled their own pockets. The Communications, transport and power generation was denied to Kashmir. Well-educated Kashmiris remained unemployed both in Kashmir and in India. Resources of forest, land and power have been exploited and put to serious jeopardy. Grand plans like railway to Kashmir valley only on paper are illusive.
Autonomy A lead for other Indian State- BJPs Intentions. Kashmirs determined to win-third Parties not welcomed. Kashmirs are determined to be rid of India. To build a rosy dream two committees on issue of autonomy were constituted-both have failed to take any step forward. No one could expect Kashmir being financially dependant on India could prosper or be on its own. The Hindu fundamentalists could not think of uplifting of Kashmiri Muslims. They were dead set to completely erode the special status under sec370 given to Kashmir to safeguard against the spread of Kashmir model in other states of India. Some analysts see the LOC as the line of settlement and for the remaining states in India decentralization of powers are lines of strengthened federalism, con-federalism and devolution of powers indeed provide the solution of Indias political and human rights problems. The erosion of section 370 left no room for trusting India anymore hence the solution through plebiscite under UNO as re-envisaged and laid down in UN resolutions of 1948 and 1949. The centers in the south favor more powers to Kashmir to be applied to all others. The BJP would like to see Kashmiris evacuate Kashmir if they do not like toile in India. Kashmir will continue their struggle. India will not concede the right of self-determination. Kashmiris have faith in their ability to use force. APHC and substantial majority rejects any linkage to the Indian union. They maintain that India wants to punish them, bread them before they leave. Neither Farooq Abdullah the only pillar on which Indian hopes are resting nor the idea of autonomy finds prospects of settlement.
Role of the US :-Kashmiris would like more direct vigorous approach and more interest taken
by US. They appreciate US maintaining stand regarding the disputed status, Kashmiris
participation in negations, view on violations of human rights in Kashmir by Indian etc.
But Kashmiris cannot see the reason for US calling UN Resolution as outdated and giving
blessing to 1996 elections at the point of 700,000 bayonet. US focus on Kashmir was not
appreciated in India, which expect US to disengage like China by keeping quiet about
Kashmir. PAKISTAN SECTION Quoting Views of Unnamed Sources Settlement of Kashmir :-
Confidence building measures should be undertaken:
prevention of infiltration into IHK, joint patrolling, visa and other travelling
facilities can bring the people close, and remove the barriers. Role of Media, Parliament and Public Opinion:- A retired senior diplomat blamed press for a "terrible role" in inflaming public opinion. "Urdu medium press was the worst". A Journalist stated flatly that Kashmir issue was beaver discussed openly in Pakistan. A retired General felt that "Pakistan simply could not match India. Pakistanis did not understand what their country had to do as a small nation". A peace activist commented that Pakistanis today were simply unable to analyze Kashmir objectively. The principal trend in Pakistani public opinion and interest connected with Kashmir was "sharply declining". A journalist opined that Pakistan media are not covering Kashmir very much because the people are not much interested. A respected legal member informed the group then the fervor for Kashmir was not "as resolute as it used to be". "Pakistanis" interest in Kashmir has diminished". There is almost no public support for Kashmir-cause any- where in Pakistan. Pakistani youths were not interested. Kashmir had not been a key issue in 1990, 1993 and 1997 elections. A prominent opposition leader observed: "there is not a are body of Pakistanis thinking emotionally abut Kashmir today as ther was twenty years ago. There was awareness now of its cost to the economy and there was need for bold India- Pakistan initiative. It was not an issue in Sindh, Balochistan and Frontiers. Even in Southern Punjab there was little interest. Another source said, "the people of Azad Kashmir were not very enthusiastic about assisting Kashmiris in the valley if that meant risking themselves". Note. The views quoted from the report do not represent the official line nor those of people of Pakistan. This is the language of frayed mines who may call themselves intellectuals - they seem to be, in essence, stepsons of soil or stem- borers- they are set to destroy the body on which they feed and live.Report Analyzed:- The report in the final analysis appears to have lost direction. Having obtained view-points of Indian side and also that of Pakistan the report makes recommendations completely ata tangent to the historical background of the dispute, the justness of the cause, and the sufferings of the people of Kashmir of which they were well informed a is clear from the report itself. The KSG has treated the case as India is in occupation it has the right to be the master of the ceremonies and every effort has to be made now to help her normalize the situation; the help or put India in complete command of the territory. A very vicious approach has been adopted to present Pakistan in bad light - a smear campaign indeed which calls for massive effort at international level, wherever the monograph has reached, to wipe out or neutralized the impression which has been created against Pakistan and Kashmiris who are being eliminated in their homes so that India could keep the territory, now in ruins once known to be the heaven on earth. The wise men, the brilliant scholars have ignored the merit of the dispute and sided with the new colonial power set to wipe out the sons and daughters of the soil. The recommendations and the comments follow.Negotiations - India - Pakistan:- The process of negotiations between India and Pakistan augur well. The world community can only offer good wishes and good will. It is recommended tht some mechanism and framework be evolved to deal with regional Problems.Comments:- How the India - Pakistan negotiations are progressing, how the working group on Kashmir has been shelved by India, how India wants to gain time to exterminate the Muslim population. It was of no concern of KSG. A specific problem - a UN case, between the who countries is being treated as a Regional Problem to be handled by some mechanism or frame work yet to be evolved. The concept and the theme must have already taken some shape this effort has to serve some definite aim and the policy. Resolution of Normal life for an honourable settlement:- To restore normal life in Kashmir, all parties must make sincere efforts to achieve a fair and honourable settlement.Comments:- KSG ignored the history of the dispute which is based o a fraudulent accession and Indian backtracking from UN Resolutions and the plebiscite under UN-auspices. Asking Pakistan to make since efforts is too mischievous conduct of KSG.
The People Representation and Broadening of Representation in talks:- The representatives from both sides of LOC should participate to have meaningful tripartite negotiations. The representatives of India, Pakistan and both governments of IHK and Azad Kashmir and also the representatives of all other major political parties: regional, ethnic, refugees and religious groups should be included. Comments:- This is to multiply confusion, which is a natural consequence of abandoning UN Resolutions and the mandatory provision of the plebiscite under UN auspices. Can anyone ever dream of putting on one platform all the representatives of ethnic, religious, regional, refugees and political groups? Does it happen anywhere in the world? A very vicious exercise of minds to facilitate and prolong the occupation of India which is determined to keep Kashmir without Kashmiris.Reduction in Security Forces:- India should replace Army by local police but a "massive and unilateral reduction cannot be realistic because India has to maintain the fury of oppression". India should reduce security Forces by stages in response to reduction in insurgent activity and infiltration from across the LOC. Comments:- India has to keep force for 'oppression' and forces reduction is linked with reduction of activities of the Freedom Movement branded as an insurgency. Facts as well as bias are obvious. Monitoring of cross Border Activity:- Pakistan must ensure stoppage of infiltration by bringing in adequately staffed regional or other international body with a fresh mandate for observing and reporting all cross border activity. The existing lot of UN observers may be ignored for ineffectiveness? The aim is to normalize the situation in a regional perspective. The Government of Pakistan should invite an International body; Commonwealth, ASEAN SAARC. Pakistan must renounce and denounce objectionable cross-activities, if they do occur. Comments:- A strategy has been employed to pin down Pakistan as the influence behind the movement and to drive Pakistan to perform for Indian comfort. Why UN has been left out and how the regional interest will be protected by ineffective Common Wealth SAARC and ASEAN Force.. The framework of which may take decades to arrange? It is very queer manner of Problem solving - perpetuating the hurt on the victims the Kashmiris. It is downright cruel conduct. Strengthening of Peace Keeping on LOC. A new idea engineered by KSG joint border security group should be created to supplement or even eventually replace the UN observers group kept in India and Pakistan as principal peacekeepers of the LOC. A formalized peace keeping apparatus of some kind is obviously required in the region. To reduce tarns-border clashes, the security group will be able to establish demilitarized sector - paving way for ultimate peace. Comments:- Requiring Pakistan to join hands with India to organize joint security group, to replace UN observers to reduce tarns-borders clashes, infiltration and achieve ultimate peace does no credit to the thinking of scholars on peace mission. It fits into the Indian policy adopted by her after Simla Accord in 1972 - neutralizing the UN observers and ordering them to remain in static positions. Monitoring of compliance with Human Rights Convents
:- Comments:- The only words of Conscience and they only incongruent piece of logic in the body of the report seems to have occurred accidentally. The point is established that Indian is guilty of violation of Human Rights and that it is not allowing insight by world organizations which are aware eof this phenomenon but would not provide relief of any kind nor save the people from the State-Terrorism. Domestic level talks with Kashmir Leaders. India should initiate dialogue formal and unconditional with Kashmiri leaders including the Resistance Leadership APHC in the language Kashmiris understand, a step towards normalization of Civil Life- this will add to CBMs. No political Party be left out including the National Conference.
Comments:- Realistic and Reasonable. India is already doing more than enough to convince Kashmiris by demolishing mosques, religious centers and vale-hunt style killing of people encases to break their will. India is using the language of state-terrorism with full fury. Which Kashmiris understand but they are determined to fight to out.
Commitment to Eschew Violence: To normalize the situation all Kashmiri armed Militant and counter militant groups must make unambiguous declaration to eschew violence, suspend military activity and observe complete case-fire pending outcome of talks with India.. Such a commitment was essential. It is the best way to help India come out of difficult situation - settlement is not illusive but a mirage since 1948. Comments:- KSG must be immune to reason to ask Pakistan to eschew violence as if they do not know what Indian forces were doing by keeping re-cross and Amnesty International etc. out of the state.
The Role of international Community :-The International community should play a helpful role by emphasizing to all those concerned the importance of implementing measure to restore normal civil life and by pointing out to them the big cost of failing to do so. If the negotiation fail then- re-examination and reconfiguring of the role of condemned acts within the international community would certainly be required. Comments:- If Pakistan and Kashmiris do not co-operate to create normally and help India suppress the Freedom Movement then their fate will be relegated to reexamination and reconfiguring of the role of condemned acts required by International community. The judgement is clear. The aim of cloak and dagger operation seems to be an arranged failure of the Freedom Movement in complete collusion with India.
Perspective and Character of Report:- We had the opportunity on two occasions to read the mind of the great scholars, we found their mindset floating on surface. Using their actual words and obvious connotation I have tried to bring out the indicators which Pakistanis and more urgently Pakistani authorities must take notice of and take effective steps as a measure of damage control. Not to act promptly and adequately will help the enemies treat us more shabbily in the future.
The report if scanned carefully will prove very invaluable towards opening our eyes, if we ever will. The investigation by the KSG provides insight into the mindset of the scholars in support of India. At places the views and experiences of Kashmiris are very revealing and decisive - that APHC will not take any solution less than the right of Self-determination and accepting any settlement under Indian constitution was out of question for the people of Kashmir- it is not reflected any where in the recommendations.
The KSG have produced apparently an authenticated picture based on contacts with grass roots and intellectuals of both the countries. Some Pakistanis have helped American Scholars place on record views, which are opposed to the policy of the state, and the people of Pakistan. I am certain that these fools whose names were not exposed along with their opinions cannot be more than a dozen but they have got themselves counted as representatives of Pakistan. The KSG needed such sources by design to produce its recommendations of the style.
After the publication of the report two out of dozens of scholars visited Islamabad on a follow up trip. During the discussion on (18 December 1997) at Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Islamabad the attention of Dr. Robert. G. Wirsing was drawn to the extracts from his book.
"Torture was universal in Kashmir. It was simply more systematic and extreme. There were 200-300 interrogation centres in the entire state. These torture centers was there as early as 1987. The scale of torture that went on in them even then was vast and beyond the imagination of (even) the Indian public. Extra Judicial killing was the most efficient, in fact the only efficient means of contending with the insurgency". (India- Pakistan and Kashmir dispute - Dr. Robert G. Wirsing PP160-161.
The Pakistani participants appreciated the author for his honest verdict on horrible situation in Kashmir: he being a member of the KSG must have contributed towards making the monograph, then why there should have been so many contradictions in the report presented to the world? To reinforce the argument two more extracts from an Indian author were presented to the scholars: "The popular movement is supported by Kashmiris of all ages who address Indians as "dogs". This movement, was not just ordinary citizens that made up the crowds purring into the freezing streets of Srinagar, to protest against Indian Security Forces. They were bureaucrats and political leaders, teachers, doctors, lawyers, students and even policemen. The Jammu and Kashmir Police were in a state of virtual revolt and defied orders given by senior officers from Delhi. The UNO has been listening to the reports of barbarity, and genocide for seven years. One cannot believe that there are not men of conscience that it is India versus all Kashmiris who are terrorists in Kashmir". (Tragedy of Errors-Talveen Singh P-159-160).
"The alienation is now so deep and so pervasive that is hard to think of a single section of Kashmir society that does not in its way, support the Freedom movement perhaps the one percent that depended on tourism as the only source of livelihood". (Tragedy of Error- Talveen Singh- P237 Talveen Singh).
The quotations of whole truths were meant to help them compare these ground realities with their own findings and recommendations. They have not judged even by the atrocities Indians were/are committing to suppress the freedom movement. Even the world community, Amnesty International and the Red Cross kept out of the state remained indifferent to the butchery of Kashmiris in their own homeland. The scholars have also in their recommendations brought out the need for the induction of world community and Red Cross but when? Kashmir is the only war torn area in the world, which has not received any, kind of relief for the last eight years why? The unending sufferings of Kashmiris have not shaken their conscience but they have produced recommendations, which have a strange, illogical and callous character. The authors after recording their Findings lost their bearing and produced a
cockeyed picture as under: The UN does not have to be in the picture-despite the dispute being on UN record since 1948. To normalize the situation Pakistan is being required to join Indian effort in preventing the Trans border crossings, infiltration and the support to the insurgents. Pakistan is expected to monitor jointly with India and report cross-border infiltration-ignoring the UN observers in the field. Joking or airborne in spin?. India in occupation has the right to use all the barbaric methods to suppress the Freedom Movement and the massive destruction of life and property did not merit consideration and concern. Pakistan must accept the responsibility of aiding Kashmiris and now help India get out of a very difficult situation. Rather than conclude the analysis with my words, I have chosen the menacing guidance and threat signals presented to us by the scholars, openly taking side with India to help her solve her problem and offering a course of action which serves the Indian ambitions and of the powers that be instead of thinking of Kashmiris 'basic rights denied to them. Pakistan and Kashmiris should understand the situation being built up now. "Kashmiris must concede that when the right way cannot be realizable hence delay may not be as bad as outright repression- a new vision may be developed where autonomous concept be accepted for greater political authority to state or sub state regimes. The future may hold prospects of "co-sovereignty, confederation or other power sharing arrangements to restore normal civil life and citizens' security. Without this no matter how earnest the advocates of separatist situation may be the present intolerable situation will never transcended. The International Community must emphasize on the parties the importance of implementing measures to restore normal civil life and by pointing out to them the big cost of failing to do so. If the negotiations fail then Re-examination and reconfiguration of the role of condemned act within the International Community certainly be required. The language is clear- the threat obvious, mental plan apparent and the impossible of agenda of an impending verdict to a tenant and dependent estate (as they think) estate seems imminent. If we do not know how to defend our position or deflect the thrust the future will be bleak. This threat could have come from India. Finally, when the Prime Minister of Pakistan offered to negotiate with India (4 February 1997) and repeated his wish few days later at Male. Mr. Gujral a good Indian went to Jammu to announce that:
We must not ignore the ground reality that few thousand ill-supported Kashmiris have kept India on tenterhooks for the last eight years. The future may hurt India more. Field reports based on an insight:
"Pakistan while in clearly no position to wrench Kashmir from India's hands, is fully capable of playing a skillful spoiler role there. India's power has failed conspicuously to overcome its vulnerability to costly retaliation by its foes in Kashmir". (Dr. Robert G Wirsing).
"We accept that there is alienation in the valley, the alienation cannot be dealt with solely by Indian Security Forces. The responsibility cannot be placed wholly on Pakistan. We believe Pakistan plays a very key role". (J.N. Dixit).
The American Scholars want Pakistan to become part of Joint security Force to seal the LOC to help India crush the Freedom Movement. This is the summum bonum of the report. The Kashmir Study Group has worked hard to sell that course of action to Pakistan. The conspiracies are maturing fast. Would we stand up and say HOLD ON? |